1. Safety induction in laboratories
2. Word: getting stylish
3. Word: large documents
4. Excel.
5. Securing the Apache Web Server
6. Transferable Skills in the Curriculum
7. Teaching Skills - Preparing to Teach and Promoting Learning
8. Essential Introductory Skills for your PhD
9. Delivering Workshops for Effective Learning
10. Distance Learning Forum
11. Getting Articles Published
12. Teaching Small Groups
13. Marking for Postgraduates and Research Assistants
14. Research Assistants and Postgraduates -Applications including CVs
15. Designing Workshops for Effective Learning
16. Statistics - Cluster Analysis
17. Learning Technologies -Using Them Effectively to Support Student Learning
18. Data Protection Issues
19. Intellectual Property
20. Using the Optical Mark Recognition Service to Process Multiple Choice Tests and Exams
21. FrontPage
22. Database of the Month -Refworks
23. Plagiarism, Citation and Managing Your References
24. Keeping your Research Up-to-Date for Postgraduates
25. Writing up your PhD Thesis
26. Fundamentals of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
27. Teaching Skills - Working with Small Groups
28. Problem based learning (5 days)
29. Internal auditor for safety (2 days)
30. Awareness for ISO14001 (2004) and ISO18001 (2007)
31. enhancing student learning through effective teaching
32. workshop of Internal auditor for ISO 9001 (2008)